La Salette Retreat &
Conference Center
Vatican II and DEI VERBUM (Word of God)
Fri, Apr 29
|Zoom Event
The session will be focused on the Dogmatic Constitution DEI VERBUM. Presenter: Fr. Flavio Gillio, MS.

Time & Location
Apr 29, 2022, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM EDT
Zoom Event
About the Event
Blamed by some and praised by others, the Ecumenical Council Vatican II has been a divisive topic within the Catholic Church for almost half a century.
Misunderstanding, misinformation, and a lack of knowledge within the greater church and the average day-to-day faithful regarding the literature produced by the council have fed confusion and disoriented many.
So, how did Vatican II envision the Church?
Join us in this 4-session online program FREE OF CHARGE, as we will answer this crucial question by examining the four major documents produced by the ecumenical council Vatican II: Lumen Gentium, Dei Verbum, Sacrosanctum Concilium, and ˆGaudium et Spes.
In the first session Fr. Jack Nuelle will present Lumen Gentium (Eng. Trans. “Light of the Nations” – Dogmatic Constitution on the Church), an 8-chapter document that reflects on the nature, historical existence, mission, and purpose of the Church in today’s world and the role of Mary and of the Saints.
In the second session, I will lead you through e detailed analysis and study of the Dei Verbum (Eng. Trans. “Word of God” – Dogmatic Constitution on Revelation), the foundational document of the Church as envisioned by Vatican II and whose focus is the Bible, its nature and role within the life of the Church and of the faithful.
The third session, presented by Fr. Ron Gagne, will resolve around the document Sacrosanctum Concilium (Eng. Trans. “Holy Council” – Dogmatic Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy) aimed at helping the Church to be more pastorally effective in the changed conditions of the times, clarifying not only the role of the ordained ministers but also the modalities of appropriate participation of the lay faithful in the Catholic Church’s liturgy.
And finally, in the fourth and final session, Fr. John Welch, will guide you through the content of the Gaudium et Spes (Eng. Trans. “Joy and Hope” – Dogmatic Constitution on the Church in the Modern World), the last and the longest published document from the council that recovered and reoriented the missionary spirit of the Catholic Church in the larger world.
Session 2
Ticket for the second session of VATICAN II: BAD OR GOOD? DEI VERBUM (Word of God)
$0.00Sale ended